
Why do we dream?
Concept by Valentina Plata
A collectively-improvised, intersensory opera that enacts a lucid dream state.
Created by RISE (reflective iterative scenario enactments) and
CLOrk (Concordia Laptop Orchestra)
Performed at Concordia University, LePARC (Performing arts research cluster) of the Milieux Institute, March 17th 2022

Singers (human and not), masked dancers, community musicians, costumed actors, chaos (f)actors, laptopists, sound sculpturers (physical and metaphysical), brain imagers, painters, object handers, dream journal reciters, deep dreamers, live coders, shape shifters, speaking masks on the walls, and happy campers enacted this lucid dream state in a collectively-improvised performance. Audience joined as dreamers, a precipitators, a participators, passer-bys, bystander, bywanderers, spectators, and unexpectators. This performance triggered the “unsupervised imagination” of the dreams universe.

More coming soon!